ADFS Load Balance Monitor Probes for ADFS3.0/ADFS Proxy/WAP
Bind SSL Certificate to all IP Address of Server and not just the DNS Name (This must be completed on both ADFS Proxy as well as ADFS Internal Servers:-
- Open a Command Prompt as administrator
- Run the following command:
netsh http show sslcert - You will see a list of SSL Certificate bindings.
- Mark and copy the ‘Certificate Hash’ value.
- Mark and copy the ‘Application ID’ value.
- Now run the following command, where you insert the noted ‘Certificate Hash’ and ‘Application ID’ values (from step 4,5)
netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=Insert_Certificate_Hash_Here appid={Insert_Application_ID_here}
Create a new Netscaler monitor
ADFS Internal:-
Destination Port: 443
Special Parameters~:
Send String: GET /federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml
Recieve String :[
ADFS Proxy
Customer Header: []\r\n